Our services for restoring Optimum Health really do help you feel THAT good again! Over an over again we hear our clients say,
“I really do feel GREAT!”
“I didn’t think I could ever feel this good again!”
“I just can’t believe I feel so good!”
“How long will feeling this good last?”
Many of their stories can be found below or on our testimonials page.
Our Triad Approach to Restoring Otimum Health
Our triad approach to restoring Optimum Health is dedicated to providing the highest level of traditional, holistic and natural alternative methods possible. Our respect for the design of the human body causes us to try to work in harmony with the way that it functions. We search for the root of the problem! In doing so, we have found that placing our focus on the following three key concepts/modalities causes major health changes and pushes each of our clients toward their optimum health status.
Restoring Optimum Health: Ensuring Quality Nutrients
Quality nutrients have to come from real food because your body can tell the difference. These quality nutrients have to be balanced the way they are balanced in real food and handled in such a way that they are not destroyed and can still be used by the body to promote health. But more than just ensuring quality nutrients is needed when restoring optimum health.
Encouraging Good Intestinal Function
Encouraging good intestinal function is a must when restoring optimum health. Encouraging good intestinal function will ensure that the nutrients are broken down and allowed to make it to your blood where they are to be used. Encouraging good intestinal function also helps your body to expel the toxins that are dumped there into the commode.
We have an accomplished natural health practitioner on site to assist with restoring optimum health by ensuring quality nutrients.
Restoring Optimum Health: Assisting With The Removal of Harmful Toxins
The removal of the harmful toxins is done with the ionic detox foot bath process which we call total body cleansing. Total body cleansing removes the harmful toxins without removing your precious minerals. This process also allows your body to determine the order of toxins removed. This can be very important in cases where serious illness is present.
Restoring Optimum Health: Enabling The Energy and Neural Pathways to Function Properly
The energy and neural pathways must flow properly or your body will be unable to control and optimize the healing process. A pinched nerve does not allow the signal from the brain to flow to the body. It also does not allow the body to send the feedback that your brain needs in order to make good healing decisions for you. In a similar manner, a kink in the energy pathways prevent the healing process from occurring fully.
In order to help your energy pathways function fully,we have a certified health kinesiologist on site and she is more than capable to assist you. To help your neural pathways function fully, we can help you select a capable chiropractor.
Services for Restoring Optimum Health: Related Topics
Services for Optimum Health: Hair Analysis
Services for Optimum Health: Total Body Cleanse
Services for Optimum Health: Muscle Pain Assistance
Services for Optimum Health: High Blood Pressure
Schedule an appointment for a consultation and ion foot detox to get started on your path to Optimum Health.
Member: Certified Natural Health Professionals