Muscle Pain

“On my first appointment I was able to move my toes again and cross my legs without any assistance.  I slept with almost no muscle pain that night.”  Dorothy P., Louisa, Virginia

Woman sitting in chair with legs crossed.


Muscle pain can be gone for good.  Hope starts here!  EVERY client that was diagnosed with fibromyalgia muscle pain has became pain free and stayed pain free!  Yes, for 6 years now, fibromyalgia clients who cleansed their muscles with our total body cleanse process typically become pain free immediately.  

“After hurting every day for years, I haven’t hurt in months now! “

Pat B. Age 59  Richmond, Va
Clients diagnosed with more severe cases of fibromyalgia may not become pain free until the second or third appointment.  Their physicians take them off all fibromyalgia medicines once their pain is gone.

Stop fibromyalgia pain in your muscles.  Enjoy hugs again.

Stop the Pain!

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